A Primer for SF Workshops | SFWA

The Workshop Lexicon

a guide (of sorts) for down-and-dirty hairy-knuckled sci-fi writers, the kind of ambitious subliterate guttersnipes who actually write and sell professional genre material.

Turkey City Lexicon – A Primer for SF Workshops | SFWA

via Turkey City Lexicon – A Primer for SF Workshops | SFWA.

Help support a small press magazine. Free Fiction.

These folks are doing a great job keeping their dream of publishing an ezine alive.

In the day and age of so many small press zines going under or falling into the pit of apathy, it is nice to see someone doing something like this just for the sheer love of good story telling.

Help them out if you can. I don’t know them nor am I affliated in any way. I found them by accident but I respect and enjoy what they are doing.

Not only a potential market for my writing but a place to go and enjoy some free short fiction/poetry etc.

March 2014 — The Mermaid at Sea World: Fiction

via March 2014 — The Mermaid at Sea World: Fiction.